Amazon has compiled the
Best Music of 2012
. I've really enjoyed looking through it. Some of my favorite music made the list (
Some Nights by fun.
). The list also reminded me that I should be listening to some of the MP3 CDs that I bought because they were such a good deal I couldn't resist (
My Head Is an Animal
), and it's also a good way to discover new music and see what I missed.
The list is divided into Best Albums, Best Songs - both Amazon picked and Customer picked, and Outstanding Albums You Might Have Missed. Browse the best music of the year by genre, or just browse the lists.

How many of the songs that made the lists are in your collection? While there are obviously a lot that I don't have, I was surprised by how many of the albums on the list I
do have.
What was your favorite song of 2012? For my answer, see previous post. (I love that whole album, which
did make the list of Best Albums)