Monday, December 17, 2012

Counting Words

Sometimes I need to know how many words I've typed into one of my posts.  There's a site that I usually use - Word Count Tool - but occasionally it won't load, like tonight.  So this is a list of alternatives.
  • Words Counter
  • Javascript Kit Cut & Paste Word Count
    This one even gives you the code to embed your own word count box on your website:

    This free script provided by JavaScript Kit
  • Word Counter
  • WordCounterTool - this one can also be used to test your typing speed
They all work in the same way - simply type into the box or copy and paste your post, or whatever else you need to count, and it counts your words for you.  All of them are free to use.

And, of course, you're free to use the word count box I've put into this post.  I just tested it, and it works perfectly!